Site users and subject data

Visit details not displayed on Site Inventory page (former known issue)

Site users: Now, when a kit is reused and dispensed in another visit, the visit details associated with the newly dispensed kit are displayed on the Site Inventory page, as expected. Previously, the visit details were not displayed on the Site Inventory page.

Retracted workaround: Although the information is now displayed on the Site Inventory page, you can still run the Kit Dispensation report to view these details, as well. (Issue 33713547)

A subject's ID and visit ID are displayed as "null" in an error message

Site users: Now, when you attempt to dispense kits to a subject outside of their visit window, the error message that is displayed indicates the appropriate subject ID and visit ID. Previously, when you waned to dispense kit to a subject outside of their visit window, the error message that followed displayed the subject's ID and the visit ID as "null". (Issue 32917100)

A dynamically displayed visit interferes with a dynamic form (former known issue)

Site users: Now, when you modify the answer to a determining question for a dynamically displayed visit it no longer interferes with other determining questions for dynamic forms and it does not modify the status of previously completed visits.

Retracted workaround: None. (Issue 33703557)

The Tab key does not work for a date field (former known issue)

Site users: Now, when you use the Tab key on your keyboard to navigate between date fields, the cursor moves in the right direction when it lands on a date field with a format of YYYY-MM-DD. Previously, when you used the Tab key on your keyboard to navigate between date fields, the cursor moved in the opposite direction in the date field.

Retracted workaround: None. (Issue 33633003)