Oracle Clinical One Platform to Oracle InForm integration stability improvements

Jobs now fail immediately when the time is incorrectly set (29513814)

Integration managers: Jobs with correct time intervals are now validated and allowed to run in Oracle Clinical One Digital Gateway, while jobs with invalid start times fail immediately, letting you know early on that there are problems with server clocks.

Previously, server clocks weren't synchronized so jobs would run during incorrect time intervals.

Jobs can be manually resent without triggering already sent jobs (29480218)

Integration managers: You can now resend jobs for a Oracle Clinical One Platform to Oracle InForm integration without causing already processed data to be resent to Oracle InForm.

Previously, when you manually resent jobs with null correlation IDs, Oracle Clinical One Digital Gateway set an incorrect time interval for the next scheduled integration. In other words, jobs that were already submitted had to run again, although they shouldn't have.

Data is now sent to Oracle InForm as expected (29480283)

Integration managers: When OnlyRandomized is selected for your integration, data is now sent to Oracle InForm as expected, preventing jobs from being resent before randomization.

Previously, if you tried to resend a blocked job prior to randomization, data for the job was sent, even though it shouldn't have been.