Details for site users and sponsor users who review subject data

What values now appear in a site's local time zone?

Only values on the Subjects page use the site's local time zone. All values on this page are in the local time zone with the exception of the data in Answer & Visit History, which appears when you open a visit. Times in this panel are labeled as UTC.

The new Visit Start Date field is also saved based on the site's time zone.

Is data that was collected prior to the system update affected?

No. Previously, all values were displayed in the UTC time zone (the Coordinated Universal Time, which corresponds to the Greenwich Mean Time), and all values for data collected prior to the system update remain in the UTC time zone. Additionally, after the system update, all data at a site will be displayed in the UTC time zone until you specify a time zone for the site.

How does a site's time zone affect subjects' visit schedules?

Previously, all subject data, including visit dates, were displayed in the UTC time zone. Now Oracle Clinical One Platform calculates visit windows using the time zone of each site.

What if a subject transfers to a site with a different time zone?

The visit window might shorten or extend by a day if the difference between the time zones is significant.