Details for user administrators

Your workflow hasn't changed, but there are some new roles and rights that you need to be aware of. Study designers and site users must have these roles and rights assigned to them in order to work with IoT-enabled devices configured through Oracle mHealth Connector.

The following new rights allow you to manage and dispense IoT-enabled devices managed with Oracle mHealth Connector. All users working with devices must have the required roles.

New right Tasks that users with this right can perform Roles that include the right
Update Settings for Connected Device Configuration Set up the connection to Oracle mHealth Connector on the new Device Service tab in Study Settings.


You must have a role with this right in every mode to be able to specify URL settings for every mode.
  • Production Admin You must have this role in all three modes to update the URL fields on the Device Settings tab.


Not all designers have this role. You may need to update a designer's access if they are responsible for setting up the connection to Oracle mHealth Connector.
View Settings for Connected Device Configuration This right doesn't grant any access in the user interface. Instead, this right allows site users to connect to Oracle mHealth Connector using the credentials entered on the Device Settings tab. This connection is required for users who dispense devices to subjects.
  • Lead Site User
  • Site User
  • Site User with detailed dosing view
Take Action on Connected Devices Take action on a dispensed device, including registering it, deactivating it, refreshing its access code, and replacing it.
  • Lead Site User
  • Site User
  • Site User with detailed dosing view

If a user who will be working with devices already has the role that includes the rights...

No need to make any changes. The user will be able to start working with devices immediately after the system update.