Drop-down questions with a single answer

Study designers can now create and save drop-down questions that only have one option for an answer.

What are the benefits?

For example, drop-down questions with singular answers are particularly useful in clinical studies where subjects are only female. For such studies, there's no need to differentiate between the male and female gender when screening a subject.

Details for study designers

When you create a new drop-down question, now the question only has one option for an answer.

To update a drop-down question so it contains only one option for an answer, click the trash can icon next to the second option to delete it.

Figure 19-46 How study designers update an existing drop-down question to contain only one option for an answer

Drop-down question is a question with multiple choices

Already working in a live study?

As a study designer, you can either edit an existing drop-down question or create a new one, with a single option for an answer, as soon as the system upgrade is complete. The changes will be effective after the updated study is approved and live.