Fixed issues for reports and notifications

Special characters used in code list now displayed in Study Design report (former known issue)

Study designers: From now on, if you use a code list with special characters for a question with multiple answer options (such as a drop-down question or a question with check boxes or radio buttons), the special characters are properly displayed in the Study Design report. Previously, special characters such as the ampersand symbol (&), comma, colon, the percentage sign (%), and the asterisk weren't properly displayed in this report.

Retracted workaround: None. (Issue 31485953)

Date of Birth question label displayed with GUID in Subject Data report (former known issue)

Data managers: Now, when an an age type of question is included in a form for a study, when you run the Subject Data report you'll notice that the question label for that type of question is displayed with its text label only, as expected. Previously, an age type of question was displayed in the Subject Data report along with a GUID, next to the text label.

Retracted workaround: None. (Issue 31503039)