Prevent site users from manually adding subjects

As a study manager, you can now choose to enable or prevent site users from manually adding subjects in a rollover study.

What are the benefits?

Subjects in a rollover study are typically enrolled from a previous study, where they have already been screened. Preventing site users from manually adding subjects to this type of study helps you avoid protocol errors or incorrect data in subject reports.

How do I perform this task?

This setting is available on the Subjects Settings tab in both Testing and Production mode. For details, see Specify subject, visit, limit, and cohort settings [Testing mode].

Already working in a live study?

By default, this setting is set to Yes which allows site users to add subjects manually. To prevent site users from manually adding subjects, you must change the setting to No.

Figure 18-62 New setting for manually adding site users

Setting for preventing or enabling site users to manually add subjects in a study