Randomization and kit stability improvements

Clinical supply managers can now see the Supply Settings tab (Former Known Issue)

User managers: Users with the Clinical Supply Manager role for Testing mode now can see the Supply Settings tab in Study Settings. (Issue 27095168)

Retracted workaround: Clinical supply managers no longer need the View Design role in the Study Design Roles list to see the Supply Settings tab.

Helpful error for duplicate kit lists and numbers (Former Known Issue)

Users who upload kit lists, such as clinical supply managers: A helpful error message now appears when you try to upload a kit list that has already been uploaded in a study isn't helpful. Previously, an Oops error with no details appeared. (Issue 27498479)

No randomization issues after moving to a new study version (Former Known Issue)

Users who create new study versions and manage randomization: The randomization list that was associated with an approved study version is now automatically associated with a new approved study version, so sites no longer will experience randomization issues after they start using new study version. Previously, a randomization list was sometimes not associated with a new study version when you moved the study version to Approved on the Home page, leading to randomization issues. (Issue 28042130)

Retracted workaround: After moving a study version below Approved on the Home page, you no longer need to check that a study version is associated with the right randomization list in Production mode.

Randomization List Manager role now required as expected (Former Known Issue)

Randomization list managers: You now can upload and generate randomization lists in Production or Training modes when you have the Randomization List Manager role for only one mode. (Issue 27457515)

Retracted workaround: User managers no longer need to assign the Randomization List Manager role to users for both Production and Training mode in order for the user to create lists in just one of the modes.