Reporting changes

Read more about the new data on devices that shows up in existing reports. Data about IoT-enabled devices is included only if IoT-enabled devices managed with Oracle mHealth Connector are part of your study's design.

Changes to the Study Design report

You'll see these changes in the Study Design report only for studies that dispense devices. Existing studies without this new feature don't see any changes in the Study Design report. Failed device activations do not appear in this report.
  • The Study Design Summary section now includes information about devices that were dispensed to subjects.
  • There's a new column called Device Connection in the Kits section of the report.
  • The Kit Dispensation section includes a new row that shows devices dispensed to subjects.
  • The Generated Kit List will also include device names.

Changes to the Kit Dispensation report

The Kit Dispensation report now displays new status changes for devices such as Activated, Deactivated, or Refreshed. Moreover, a new Replacement status is used in the Event column for both investigational products and devices.