Scheduling changes

You'll see the following changes when you view visit details in Visits & Events on the right.

  • Scheduling a visit is now more straightforward. Instead of clicking the clock that leads to a visit, you now click the Add Schedule button that leads to a visit.

    Add Schedule button between two visits

  • The time between visits now appears in Visits & Events. Point to the scheduling information to see additional scheduling details in pop-up text.

    When you point to the scheduling information, you see additional scheduling details

  • Additionally, color coding now appears in Visits & Events:
    • Blue background: Appears behind visits that occur prior to randomization as well as behind any unscheduled visits.
    • Green background: Appears just above the first randomization visit and continues until just above the second randomization visit.
    • Purple background: Appears just above the second randomization visit and continues until just above the third randomization visit, or until just above the first unscheduled visit, if there is no third randomization event.

      If there is a third randomization visit, an orange background appears.

      Visit schedule with blue, green, and purple background colors