Shipment and supply usability improvements

Add many kits to a lot (Former Known Issue)

Clinical supply managers: You now can add a large number of kits to a manufacturing lot, such as 5,000 or more. Previously, large numbers of kits weren't added, and no error message appeared.

Retracted workaround: You no longer need to add large numbers of kits in smaller group. (Issue: 25992817.)

Kits no longer appear unselected (Former Known Issue)

Clinical supply managers: When you select the checkbox in the column header on the Inventory tab, all kits are selected. Previously, only the first 100 kits had a selected checkbox, though the issue was visual only. Updates affected all kits, even those without a selected checkbox. (Issue: 25888665.)

Change a kit from Available to Missing (Former Known Issue)

Clinical supply managers and depot users: You can now change the status of a kit from Available to Missing.

Retracted workaround: Previously, we suggested changing a kit to Temporarily Unavailable or Not in Use. You no longer need to use this workaround. (Issue: 25651625.)

Notification when initial shipments aren't created (Former Known Issue)

Clinical supply managers and site managers: When initial shipments should be created after site activation, and you activate a site before all settings are specified, including the resupply strategy for each site, a new shipment failure notification is now created so you know that the shipments weren't created. (Issue: 25543255.)

Shipments tab is now sorted

Clinical supply managers: Shipments on the Shipments tab are now sorted so that the most recently created shipments appear first. (Issue: 25310482.)

Search field for adding countries to label groups

Clinical supply managers: The Create Label Group pop-up now has a search field for countries, so now it's easier to find countries and add them to a label group. (Issue: 25520386.)