Site, depot, and user stability improvements

Role changes for randomization lists (Former Known Issue)

User managers: Clinical supply managers no longer need the Designer Role - Sponsor role (renamed to Designer in this release) to upload and generate randomization lists. You can now remove this role for those users. (Issue: 25315012.)

Related change: The ability to manage randomization, including uploading and generating randomization lists and assigning a randomization list to a study version, is no longer part of the Clinical Supply Manager role. It's now part of the new Randomization Manager role. Update users as needed.

Finish button disabled for a user with no data (Former Known Issue)

User managers: When you create a new user but don't specify any roles, sites, or depots for the user, the Finish button on the last page of the Create User wizard is now grayed out, and a tooltip on the Finish button indicates that you need to select a role, site, or depot to create the user. Previously when you clicked Finish, a success message appeared, but the user wasn't created. (Issue: 25932050.)

Can assign users to sites and depots in Testing mode (Former Known Issue)

Site and user managers: When you are assigned the User Manager role in the Study Design Roles list and the Site Manager role in Testing mode, you now can assign users to sites and depots in Testing mode.

Retracted workaround: You no longer need to assign site and user managers to the Site Manager Role - Sponsor role for all three modes for the user to be able to work in Testing mode. (Issue: 26909374.)

New message for duplicate site IDs

Site managers: When you create a site for use in multiple modes and the site ID is already used in one mode, a message now informs you that the site will be created only for the mode that the site ID isn't used in. Previously, sites weren't created in any modes when the site ID was in use in one or more modes. (Issue: 25084399.)

Sites are now sorted

Site managers: Sites are now sorted on the Sites tab so that the most recently created site appears first. (Issue: 24897978.)

Error when you don't select a country for a site

Site managers: When you don't select a country for a new site, an error now notifies you that you missed the required field. Previously, no error appeared. (Issue: 25260246.)

No more success message for no site changes

Site managers: When you open the Edit Site wizard for an existing site and click Save or Finish without making any changes, the wizard now closes. Previously, a message said that your changes were saved successfully, even though you hadn't made any changes. (Issue: 24556424.)

Duplicate site and depot entries resolved

Site and depot managers: Duplicate entries no longer appear on the Sites and Depots tabs. Previously, when you edited an existing site or depot and double-clicked the Save button in the site or depot wizard, a duplicate entry was sometimes created for the site or depot. (Issue: 25366078.)

Improved error message for retiring depots

Depot managers: When you retire multiple depots at one time, the confirmation pop-up now contains user-friendly language. Previously, the pop-up included technical details that weren't useful to end users. (Issue: 26666811.)

Message appears for duplicate depot ID

Depot managers: You are now notified when you create a depot with a depot ID that is already used. Previously, the depot wasn't created, and no message appeared. (Issue: 25366772.)

Country lists renamed in depot wizard

Depot managers: In the wizard for creating depots, the country lists on the Countries page have been renamed:

  • Available Countries was renamed to All Countries.
  • All Supply Depot Countries was renamed to <depot_name> Depot Countries. (Issue: 25049597.)