Site users

Site users can now determine if a kit from a previous visit can be conserved and re-dispensed during the current visit. This workflow is available for scheduled, unscheduled, and titration visits.

New pop-up: Kits from Previous Visits

After you complete a form and click Dispense during a visit, a new pop-up might appear asking you to specify whether the subject has any reusable kits or not. Remember that you can only dispense conserved kits to the same subject that initially had those kits.

Figure 19-7 Kits from Previous Visits pop-up

Kits from Previous Visits pop-up

New pop-up: Reusable Kits

If you specify that a subject has any reusable kits, the Reusable Kits pop-up appears. In here, you can mark kits as reusable, so the system can determine whether they can be conserved for a further dispensation. If a reusable kit can be conserved, you see it in the Dispense Kits wizard along with the new kits that are about to be dispensed to the subject.

If you don't see a reusable kit on the list, it means that kit can't be conserved. In that case, don't forget to reconcile kits that can't be conserved in the system. For example, if you use Oracle Clinical One Platform for kit reconciliation, as soon as a reusable kit is considered ineligible for conservation, mark that kit as Returned to Site in the inventory.

Figure 19-8 Reusable Kits pop-up

Reusable Kits pop-up

Conserved kits eligible for dispensation are shown in the Dispense Kits wizard

When kits can be conserved, they appear in the Dispense Kits wizard in a separate table.

Figure 19-9 New kits and conserved kits from previous visits

New kits and conserved kits to be dispensed