Site users and subject data

No error when screening a subject selected for SDV (former known issue)

Site users: From now on, you can successfully screen a subject selected for source data verification (SDV). The error message stating "Your change on this page won't be saved" no longer appears. Previously, you could not screen a subject selected for source data verification (SDV) because the system thought another user was working on the same subject.

Retracted workaround: You no longer have to refresh the page in your browser. (Issue 31937630)

Answers to a question with checkboxes now displayed in the Answer History pane (former known issue)

Site users and lead site users: From now on, for an already answered question with checkboxes, when you select an answer option, the answer appears in the Answer History pane, as expected.

Retracted workaround: You no longer have to select a different answer and then click Save to see the answer history for a question with checkboxes. (Issue 31543586)

Error seen when a data flag is applied in a Repeating form that contains a rule (former known issue)

Site users: From now on, in a repeating form, when applying a data flag to a default row where a rule is applied, you no longer observe an Oops error upon saving.

Retracted workaround: None. (Issue 31935069)