Create a blinded group of kits

Create blinded groups if you don't allow single kit ordering, and if the kits in your study use different packaging. Blinded groups determine the kit or kits that are added to a single-kit shipment to protect the study blind. This procedure also applies to rollover studies.

Want to see how to perform this task? Watch the video below.

  1. On the Home page, click the study settings button (settings button) on the study you want to edit, and select Open Settings.
  2. Below the study name, click the Supply Settings tab.
  3. Open the study settings.
  4. Below the study name, click the Supply Settings tab.
  5. Along the top, select a specific mode:
    • Production Settings
    • Testing Settings
    • Training Settings
  6. At the bottom of the right side pane, expand Blinded Groups.


    If Blinded Groups doesn't appear, make sure that Yes is selected for Blinded Groups required within the Shipments Settings in the Supply Settings tab. Refer to Specify Supply settings for step-by-step help and Supply settings fields for descriptions.
  7. Click Create Blinded Group.
  8. Fill in the fields, and then click Create.


    To view tips for completing a field, click into the field or choose an option.
    Field Description
    Title Enter a title for the blinded group.
    Select kits to create blinded group Select the kit types to include in the blinded group.
    Kits added to prevent unblinding

    (Available only if you choose to send a kit type to prevent unblinding)

    Select the kit type that is added to a shipment to protect the study blind. Consider choosing the placebo or the kit with the highest number in the treatment ratio.

Create blinded groups for other modes in your study, if you haven't already and when required.