Create a source data verification strategy and assign it to a site

Your source data verification strategy ensures that partial source data verification is performed for a specific number of subjects and for either all subjects or only critical questions in a study. Source data verification strategies must be associated with a site to become effective. This procedure also applies to rollover studies.

Want to see how to perform this task? Watch the video below.

  1. Open the study settings.
  2. Below the study name, click the Source Data Verification tab.
  3. On the top left, select a specific mode:
    • Production Settings
    • Testing Settings
    • Training Settings
  4. On the right side pane, click Create SDV Strategy.
  5. On the Create Source Data Verification Strategy dialog, fill in the following fields and click Create.
  6. Associate a source data verification strategy with a site:
    1. Navigate to the Sites & Labs tab.
    2. On the top left, select a specific mode:
      • Production Settings
      • Testing Settings
      • Training Settings
    3. From the SDV Strategy drop-down for each site, select a source data verification strategy.
    4. In the upper right, click Apply Changes.

Create source data verification strategies and assign them to sites for other modes in your study, if you haven't already and when required.

  • Click the Edit icon (The edit icon is a pencil) next to a source data verification strategy to edit it.