Generate a kit list

You can generate a new kit list at any time, without creating a new version of a study. Create a kit list for Production and Training modes when you're ready to make the study live.

When you generate a kit list in Testing mode, the kits specified in that kit list are displayed in the study's inventory with a status of Available. When you generate a kit list in Production mode, the kits specified in that list are displayed in the study's inventory with a status of Not in Use.


You cannot generate or upload a kit list for pooled kits. The system generates a pooled kit list by default. Pooled kits can only be shipped through an integration. For more information, see About pooling kits in a study.


To prevent potential unblinding, create separate lists for each mode. If a statistician provides only the production list for a study, upload it in Production mode and generate lists for Testing and Training modes.

Make sure you verify the list for Testing mode before creating the lists for Production and Training modes.

To upload a kit list, instead of generating one, see Upload a kit list.

  1. Access the study version for a given mode as described in Open the design of a study version.
  2. Along the top, click Study Supplies.
  3. Below the study name, click the Kits tab.
  4. From the Kit List drop-down, select Generate.
  5. Fill in the fields and click Next.


    To view tips for completing a field, click into the field or choose an option.
    Field Description
    Title Type the appropriate description for your kit list.
    Description Type a description that is relevant to the kit list.
    Mode From the drop-down, select the mode that the kit list should be available in: Testing, Training, or Production.
    First Kit Number Enter the first number in the kit list. Each kit is randomly assigned to a kit number.
    First Sequence Number Enter the first sequence number for the kits in the kit list.
    Generate Barcodes Click this checkbox if you want to generate barcodes for kits in the study.

    (Available only if you selected the Generate Barcodes checkbox)

    • Select Use Kit Numbers to use kit numbers for generating barcodes.
    • Select Generate New Numbers to generate brand new barcodes.
  6. On the Select Kit Types section, select the kit types that should be mapped in the kit list and, in the Quantity field, enter the number of kits of each to include.
  7. Click Generate.
  8. Click Export and select CSV to first export your generated kit list.
  9. Click Finish.