Release kits to sites or depots

Release kits to a depot in Testing mode so that the kits are associated with the depot and you can begin testing distribution in Testing mode. Release kits to a depot in Production mode to begin distribution and in Training mode to practice. This procedure also applies to rollover studies.

  1. Access your study in a specific mode.
  2. Along the top, click Supplies.
  3. Click the Study Inventory tab.
  4. Click a kit type.
  5. Above the kit list, use the filters to return only the kits you want to release to the site or depot:


    We recommend releasing many kits in Testing mode so you don't run out while testing.
    1. Below Location, click Unassigned.
    2. Above the kit list, from the Status drop-down, select Available.
    3. If necessary, narrow your view further by clicking Kit or Sequence, and enter a range of kit or sequence numbers.
  6. In the list, select the kits to update.
  7. On the right side panel, make sure Kit Settings is expanded.
  8. Do one of the following:
    • From the Location drop-down below Kit Settings, select the depot to associate the kits with.


      If you don't see the depot you need, make sure it was created and activated.
    • Alternately, in Testing mode you can release kits directly to sites if you don't want to test the end-to-end distribution. In this case, from the Location drop-down, select a site to associate the kits with.
  9. Click Update Kits.
  10. In the confirmation window, select a reason for change and click Yes.


    In the upper right of the kit list, the Total Kits number tells you the number of available kits at the depot.
  • You can use the filters to check your work:
    1. On the left, below Location, click Sites or Depots, and select the site or depot from the All Sites or All Depots drop-down.
    2. Above the kit list, from the Status drop-down, select Available.
    3. f necessary, narrow your view further by clicking Kit or Sequence, and enter a range of kit or sequence numbers.
  • Click Back to select a different kit type from the kit type list and repeat for each as required.