Update the status of a kit for a site user

Site users should update the kit status themselves whenever possible. If you're a CRA, and a site user asks you what to do about the status of a kit that is no longer available, instruct them to perform this task. If you're a clinical supply manager who needs to update the status of a kit that should be available in the inventory, follow this procedure.


If titration is part of a study's design, we recommend you never mark a kit as Not Dispensed to Subject. This kit status update will interfere with the way dose changes are performed in the system.
  1. Access the Site Inventory tab
  2. Filter kits in a site's inventory
  3. Select the kit.
  4. On the right, below Kit Settings, click Update Kit.
  5. Select the appropriate status from the Kit Status drop-down:
    • If a kit went missing or was damaged at the site, mark the kit as Missing or Damaged.
    • If a kit experienced a temperature excursion, mark the kit as Pre-quarantined.
    • If the subject didn't receive the kit, mark the kit as Not Dispensed to Subject
    • If a kit (particularly a device) was previously marked as Not Dispensed to Subject and you want to make it available for dispensation again, mark the kit as Available.
  6. Enter a reason, and click Update Kit. To view tips for completing a field, click into the field or choose an option.


    To view the history of a kit, select the kit on the Site Inventory tab, and expand Kit History, on the right.


    The history of a kit is not available for non-serialized kits.