What is the workflow for destroying shipments at a depot facility?

If you want your study to have a depot kit reconciliation process here's what you need to know whether you're a clinical supply manager, Clinical Research Associate (CRA), site, or depot user.

Clinical supply managers: Configure the study

First things first, you must configure the setting for required depot kit reconciliation in both Testing and Production mode. For more details, see Specify supply settings.

Clinical Research Associates (CRAs) or site users: Mark kits that are ready for destruction

Next up, you must mark all kits that are ready for destruction as Pending Destruction in the site inventory. For more details, see Mark kits as ready for destruction at the site or at a depot. This task can also be performed by a site user.

Clinical Research Associates (CRAs) or site users: Ship kits to a drug destruction depot

If kit destruction should occur at a depot that is a drug destruction facility, either the Clinical Research Associate (CRA) or the site user should be responsible for sending kits to the drug destruction facility.

Depot users: Confirm you received the kits and destroy the shipment

If you received kits that need to be destroyed at the depot, you can either mark the entire shipment as Received for Destruction or confirm each kit within the shipment as received, along with their returned units.

For more details on how to confirm you've received the kits and destroyed them, see Receive and destroy kits.

Site users: Check notifications

Whenever a new shipment for destruction is created, a kit is missing from a destruction shipment, or a destruction shipment wasn't received by the depot user, you'll receive a notification.