Bookmark Oracle Life Sciences IAMS

Before you create a bookmark, locate the New Account email message you received from Oracle Identity Manager. That message contains the web address you need to use to create your Oracle Life Sciences IAMS bookmark.

If you cannot locate your New Account email message, contact your Oracle project manager and ask for the Oracle Life Sciences IAMS web address. (Do not bookmark the web address that you saw after you created a password and activated your account.)
To bookmark Oracle Life Sciences IAMS:
  1. In your browser, create a bookmark for any Internet page and label the bookmark as your Oracle Life Sciences IAMS bookmark.
  2. Open the New Account notification message you received from Oracle Identity Manager and copy the Oracle Life Sciences IAMS web address (URL).
  3. Edit the bookmark by pasting the web address for Oracle Life Sciences IAMS into the web address field, make any necessary edits, and save it under your browser bookmarks.


    You can also open Oracle Life Sciences IAMS from Oracle Health Sciences My Oracle Bookmarks or Oracle Life Sciences Cloud. But, you must bookmark the original web address. Do not bookmark the web address that appears after you sign in to either of those applications. For detail on signing into Oracle Life Sciences IAMS, see Bookmarks.