Commands for the bulk import template

When you update the template for a bulk import, you must use the correct commands for creating users, disabling users, assigning roles, and removing roles.

To learn more about working with the template, see Update the bulk import template.

Commands for the bulk import template in a text file

Task Command to use in a text file Sample command for a text file

Create an Oracle Life Sciences single sign-on (SSO)

create,<organization id>,<user login>,<email id>,<middle name>,<first name>,<last name>


In the previous example, the user has no middle name. When you don't specify a value for middle name, include no value between the commas, not even a space.

Assign a role to a user

authorize,<organizatoin id>,<user login>,<role name>


Want help figuring out the roles to assign?.

Remove a role from a user

deauthorize,<organizatoin id>,<user login>,<role name>


Want help figuring out the roles to assign?.

Disable a user's Oracle Life Sciences SSO

disable,<organization id>,<user login>


Commands for bulk import in a text Microsoft Excel file

You use the same commands in the same order when using Microsoft Excel for the bulk import, but each value must be in its own cell, as shown in the following example.

Sample commands to use for bulk import in a Microsoft Excel sheet

Command values

Value Description

<email id>

Enter the user's email address.

<first name>

Enter the user's first name.

<last name>

Enter the user's surname or family name.

<middle name>

(Optional) Enter the user's middle name. If you don't enter a value, leave the cell blank in Microsoft Excel; or in a text editor, delete the placeholder text and leave the comma.

<organization id>

Enter your company's ShortOrgId. Need help finding your company's ShortOrgId?

<role name>

Enter the role you are granting or removing, including the ShortOrgId as a prefix. For example, mypharma.Approver

<user login>

Enter the user's email address.