Site Administrator

View the permissions included in the Site Administrator template study role. This template study role is available for all studies at your organization.


You should always copy a template role and begin customizing it within the context of your study. For more information, see About predefined study roles.

Table 8-11 Permissions included in the Site Administrator template study role

Category Permissions assigned

Clinical Data Collection

  • Add a Lab to a Site
  • Create and Add Labs to a Site


  • Receive Site has been Updated Notification


  • Run the Site and Depot Report
  • Run the Training Report
  • Run the User Assignment Report
  • Run the User Upload Error Report

Study Setup

  • Assign a Resupply Strategy to a Site
  • Assign a SDV Strategy to a Site
  • Assign a Study Version to a Site
  • Create and Manage Depots
  • Create and Manage Sites
  • View Depots
  • View Role Assignment for Study Users
  • View Sites