
This structure is used to audit changes made to a document for RDCIs, RDCMs, or response changes. Three functions use AuditInfo as a direct parameter, and two others use it indirectly by using structures that contain AuditInfo as a parameter. These functions are:

Direct: SetResponseData, SetDataComment, DeleteRepeat

Indirect: SetRdci and SetRdcm

For instructions on using the AuditInfo structure in conjunction with DeleteRdci, see the section for that function.


typedef struct audit_info
   char audit_comment[COMMENT_SIZE+1];
   char reason[AUDIT_REASON_SIZE+1];
   DCAPIFlag  needs_audit ;
} AuditInfo;


audit_comment (in/out): This parameter provides a free-text description of the transaction. It could be defaulted by the system or can be user-provided.

reason (in/out): The audit reason parameter must match a value in the reference codelists RDCI CHANGE REASON TYPE CODE or RDCI CHANGE REASON2 TYPE CODE (for RDCI and/or RDCM change or for soft deletion of a document) and DATA CHANGE REASON TYPE CODE or DATA CHANGE REASON2 TYPE CODE (for response changes). This parameter could be defaulted by the system or can be user-provided.

needs_audit (out): This parameter indicates after the function call whether the audit reason was expected but was not provided. If TRUE, an audit reason was required but was not manually provided and the system could not supply a default reason.