
If used by SetResponseData, GetUnivDiscrepancy, or GetManualDiscrepancy, the parameters will be populated by the system. If used by SetUnivDiscrepancy or SetManualDiscrepancy, the parameters will be entered manually.


typedef struct disc_info
    char disc_type[DISC_TYPE_SIZE+1];
    char disc_rev_status[DISC_STATUS_SIZE+1];
    char disc_resolu_type[CODE_SIZE+1];
    char comment_text[EDMS_COMMENT_SIZE+1];
    char internal_comment_text[EDMS_COMMENT_SIZE+1] ; 
    char resolution[EDMS_COMMENT_SIZE+1] ; 
} DiscInfo;


The following are input parameters when DiscInfo is used by the functions SetUnivDiscrepancy and SetManualDiscrepancy; they are output parameters when used by GetUnivDiscrepancy, GetManualDiscrepancy, SetMiscDiscrepancy, and SetResponseData.

disc_type (in/out): This parameter maps to the reference codelist MANUAL SOURCE TYPE CODE for manual discrepancies. For univariate discrepancies, this parameter is system-generated and should not be changed.

disc_rev_status (in/out): This parameter maps to the installation reference codelist DISCREPANCY REV STATUS CODE.

disc_resolu_type (in/out): This parameter maps to the reference codelist DISCREPANCY RESOLU TYPE CODE.

comment_text (in/out): For univariate discrepancies, the initial value may be system-generated if a corresponding EDMS setup has been already been done. However, this value can be updated. For manual discrepancies, this parameter is a free-text description.

internal_comment_text (in/out): Free text description.

resolution (in/out): Free text description.