This diagram shows the workflow for entry of CRFs. This description breaks this process down into the following general steps:

  1. The operator logs in and selects Data Entry, then Workflow Data Entry.
  2. If the Workflow monitor is not started, the operator must start it, then start the Imaging system and Workflow system before proceeding. If the Workflow monitor is started, the data entry workflow queries the next workflow item by calling the procedure Get_Next_Work_Item.
  3. Get_Next_Work_Item prompts the system to select the study, set the data entry task, load the workitem's CRF images, and displays the first page. The workflow monitor then returns a workitem ID, study, and data entry task to the system.
  4. If this is a Log-in task the system calls the Get_Next_Document procedure, which prompts the system to advance the workflow monitor to the enxt document in the workitem and returns the log in the header data to the system. After this, the operator, enter the user-supplied data. If this is not a Log-in task, the system receives the DCI header record and populates fields. In either case, the operator then proceeds by pressing Page Down.
  5. If problems exist in the Log-in Header, the operator selects Workflow, then Get Next Document. The workflow monitor then flags the document, and the system captures the error reason and sends the document to the problem queue. Proceed to step 7.
  6. If no problems exist in the Log-in header, the system displays the entry screen and the operator enters data from CRF image. The system then calls the Get_Next_Image procedure, which triggers page advance for multiple pages. The system then calls the Mark_Workflow procedure, which prompts the system to advance to the next CRF and displays populated DCI header.
  7. The system repeats the process by returning to step 2, as the data entry workflow queries the next workflow item.

End of description.