Running Reports on Deleted Data and Discrepancies

You can run two reports in SQL*Plus to view data and discrepancies that were deleted using the batch job for that purpose if it was running in Audit mode:

  • List Batch Data Deleted Responses (list_asdd_responses)

  • List Batch Data Deleted Discrepancies (list_asdd_discrepancies)

To run either report:

  1. Log on to the operating system.

  2. Set environment variables for the database name and code environment; see Setting Environment Variables on the Command Line

  3. Change to the RXC_INSTALL directory:


  4. Connect to SQL*Plus as rxc:

    sqlplus rxc

  5. Run one of the scripts:

    start list_asdd_responses.sql


    start list_asdd_discrepancies.sql

  6. The script prompts for the following parameter values:

    • Study: Enter either a single study or use % for wildcard.

    • Site: Enter either a single site or use % for wildcard.

    • Patient: Enter either a single patient name or use % for wildcard.

    • Document Number: Enter either a single document number or use % for wildcard.

    • User ID who submitted BDD job: Enter either a single user or use % for wildcard.

    • Batch Job ID: Enter a particular batch job id or return for all.

    • Job Submitted From: Enter the BDD job(s) executed from date.

    • Job Submitted To: Enter the BDD job(s) executed to date.

    • Spool file name: Enter the file name into which the job should write the output. You can include a relative path if needed.

    • Delimiter: Enter ~ or another character to simplify import into Excel.

The job writes data to the file specified as the spool file.


The list_asdd_discrepancies.sql script retrieves discrepancies that have been OBSOLETED because a response was corrected. There will be no corresponding record for the previous discrepant response. On the other hand, a multivariate discrepancy may be listed as CURRENT, even if a response has been updated to resolve that discrepancy. This happens if the discrepancy procedure is only executed when Batch Validation runs (an offline procedure), and Batch Data Delete is executed before Batch Validation has had a chance to OBSOLETE the discrepancy.