Restrict Access to the Application

Use the following security features to ensure that users can access only the parts of the application that they need to do their jobs.

  • Assign study privileges: To restrict user access to Oracle Clinical study and site data, you can define and maintain users' study privileges. You must explicitly give users access to study data, either by granting them Superuser status, which allows access to all studies, or explicitly granting access to specific studies or groups of studies (programs and projects). For more information, see the Oracle Clinical Administrator's Guide.
  • Configure menu-based security options: Oracle Clinical includes a set of predefined database roles that allow access to a predefined set of Oracle Clinical menu items, including second- and third-level menu items. You can enforce security by assigning users only the database roles they need to do their work, preventing them from seeing other parts of the system and taking actions they are not authorized to take. For more information, see the Oracle Clinical Administrator's Guide.