Description of the illustration dcmlay01.gif

The graphic dcmlay01.gif shows the DCM layout editor with a sample DCM layout displayed. The topmost line is the title bar, which gives the mode (TEST in this example) and the subset and layout number (SUBSET 1 LAYOUT 1 in this example). The In-form menu, just under it, includes the following menu items from left to right: File, Edit, Resize, Order, View, Arrange, Page, and Help. The Toolbar is the next row, and includes buttons that enable you to save, align layout fields, and perform other layout editing tasks. The body of the window is the DCM layout itself: in this example, the layout includes fields in four rows, and each field includes its database name in the field space, and a field label to the field's left. The top layout row has two fields: EX_AL and MEDICATION_ALLERGIC. The second layout row has two fields: ALLERGIC_REACTION and FIRST_INCIDENT. The third layout row has three fields: SODIUM, POTASSIUM, and BICARBONATE. The fourth layout row has three fields: CREATININE, CALCIUM_TOTAL, and PHOSPHORUS.