Description of the illustration dx1.gif

The figure dx1.gif describes the workflow for data extract. The header of the workfow includes two fields that point to the main "Set up Data Extract field" that comprises the rest of the diagram: these header fields are "Set up a study" and "Create data collection objects." The main workflow starts on the left side with the "Choose configuration" box, which includes two fields: "Set DX installation configuration" and "Set VB Enabled in Clinical States." Choose configuration branches in two directions: the first branch toward the fields at the top of the workflow, the second toward the Customize views box. The header fields start with "Create default view definition," from which you can either go directly to "Submit views to PSUB" or to "Create study access accounts," and then on to "Submit views to PSUB." The workflow then proceeds to "Create/print SAS datasets" and ends. The Customize views area starts in the upper right with "Create extract macros" which branches either to "Create key templates" or "Create complex questions." Both of these proceed to the following in the order listed: "Create view templates," "Create view definitions," and "Create unions."