Maintaining Programs

A program represents the top level in the grouping hierarchy of studies. A program contains projects, which contain studies. In general, you create a program for each intervention. For pharmaceutical research, you map a program to each research compound. However, you can also use programs to control which users can access studies.

The program hierarchy organizes research around a drug. You can also use programs to control user access to studies. Typically, pharmaceutical companies assign a program for each drug under investigation. Assign programs to planning-level studies in the Maintain Planned Studies window.

You can define and maintain programs from the Maintain Programs and Projects window: from the Plan menu, select Programs. To add a new program (or to modify an existing program):

  1. Place the insertion point in an empty row. If there are no empty rows, select Insert Record (F6).
  2. Enter a new, unique code for the program. This code identifies the program throughout Oracle Clinical.
  3. Describe the program.
  4. Save. By default, the system selects the Active box upon saving this record. You can make it inactive at any time by clearing the Active box.

The system stores the information you enter through these windows in the PROGRAMS database table.

The Maintain Programs and Projects window has two buttons:

  • Projects – Displays the Projects window, listing all available projects.

  • Compounds Assigned to Program – Displays the window where the compounds assigned to the selected program appear.