Test the Reports Server Installation

To test that the Reports Server can create printouts and files:

  1. Start Oracle Clinical.
  2. Navigate to Admin, Admin Reports, and then Reference Codelist. The Report Reference Codelist submission screen opens.
  3. Click the Reference Codelist Name field, and enter OCL_STATE.
  4. Print the report:
    1. Click the Job Details button.
    2. Change the Output Type to PRINTER.
    3. Examine the printer's path to see if it is correct.
    4. Click Submit Job. You receive a status prompt. Close the prompt to return to the Submission screen.
    5. Click Job Status to check the progress of your print job. Look for the printout from your printer.
  5. Print the report to file:

    1. Return to the Report Reference Codelist submission screen.
    2. Click the Reference Codelist Name field, and enter OCL_STATE.
    3. Click Job Details.
    4. Change the Output Type to FILE.
    5. Click Submit Job. The system displays a status prompt. Close the prompt to return to the Submission screen.
    6. Click Job Status.
    7. Check its status in the Execution Status field.
    8. Click View Output. The system displays a path location prompt.
    9. Click OK. The Report Server processes the file and converts it to the selected format. If successful, the file then opens in a separate window.