Hiding Unplanned Visit Buttons in RDC Onsite

If you don't want to allow RDC Onsite users to add unplanned visit pages using the Add Visit Page button or to add additional pages to visits using the Add Other Page button, you can hide one or both of these buttons from the Patient Casebooks page. For details about these buttons, see the Adding Pages section in the Oracle Clinical Remote Data Capture Onsite User's Guide.

To hide the buttons:

  1. Open the RdcLogos.properties file in a text editor. or . Change the default value for the parameter from 1 to 0. Restart the OpaServer1 for the changes to take effect.
  2. Find the parameter corresponding to the buttons you want to hide: feature.EnableAddVisitPage and feature.EnableAddOtherPage.
  3. Change the value for a parameter from 1 to 0 to hide the corresponding button.
  4. Save your changes and close the file.
  5. For the changes to take effect, restart application server.