Manually Extracting and Repacking the olsardc.ear File

If you do not have an unzip utility installed, you can manually extract and then repack the EAR file by following the steps below.

To extract the olsardc.ear file:

  1. Open a DOS Command window and navigate to the upload directory.

    See Locating the olsardc.ear File for information on how to find the upload directory.

  2. Back up the olsardc.ear file.
  3. Create a new temporary directory called mycustomloc and then copy the olsardc.ear file to that directory as shown in the below example:
    C:\mycustomloc>copy %OPA_HOME%\rdc\olsardc.ear
  4. Extract olsardc.ear using the jar utility command:
    JDK_HOME\bin\jar -xvf olsardc.ear

    For example:

    C:\mycustomloc>C:\jdk\bin\jar -xvf olsardc.ear

    The file RdcSurroundAdfWebUIWebApp.war is in the extracted directory.

  5. Create another temporary directory called RdcSurroundAdfWebUIWebApp and move the RdcSurroundAdfWebUIWebApp.war to this new directory.
  6. Extract the RdcSurroundAdfWebUIWebApp.war file using the jar utility command
    JDK_HOME\bin\jar -xvf RdcSurroundAdfWebUIWebApp.war

    For example: C:\mycustomloc\RdcSurroundAdfWebUIWebApp>C:\jdk\bin\jar -xvf RdcSurroundAdfWebUIWebApp.war

    After extracting the file, you can access the RDC application WEB-INF directory and all files under it from within the newly extracted directory.

  7. Make changes to the files as necessary.
  8. Save your changes.

To repack the olsardc.ear file:

  1. Open a DOS Command window and navigate to the temporary directory RdcSurroundAdfWebUIWebApp.
  2. If present, remove the RdcSurroundAdfWebUIWebApp.war file from this directory.
  3. Rebuild the RdcSurroundAdfWebUIWebApp.war file using the jar command
    JDK_HOME\bin\jar -cvf RdcSurroundAdfWebUIWebApp.war *

    For example: C:\mycustomloc\RdcSurroundAdfWebUIWebApp>C:\jdk\bin\jar -cvf RdcSurroundAdfWebUIWebApp.war *

    The process created the RdcSurroundAdfWebUIWebApp.war file.

  4. Move RdcSurroundAdfWebUIWebApp.war to the temporary directory mycustomloc.
  5. Navigate to the temporary directory mycustomloc.
  6. Delete the RdcSurroundAdfWebUIWebApp directory using the command:
    rd /S /Q RdcSurroundAdfWebUIWebApp
  7. If present, remove the olsardc.ear file from the mycustomloc directory.
  8. Rebuild the olsardc.ear using the jar command:
    JDK_HOME\bin\jar -cvf olsardc.ear *

    For example:

    C:\mycustomloc>C:\jdk\bin\jar -cvf olsardc.ear *

  9. Copy the new olsardc.ear file to the upload directory middleware_home\user_projects\domains\OPADomain\servers\AdminServer\upload.
    For example:

    C:\mycustomloc>copy /Y olsardc.ear %OPA_HOME%\rdc


    Copy the new olsardc.ear file to the same location as the one entered in the Source path field.

    To find the source path, go to the administration server console for the OPA domain. Click Deployments. Select the checkbox for olsardc and then click Update. After confirming the source path, click Cancel to exit the Update Application Assistant screen.