Restarting the OPA Server

Upon redeployment, you need to restart the OPA server so that any changes.

  1. Log in to the administrator server console for the OPA domain using a URL of the form http://machinename:port/console.
  2. Click on Environments and then Servers.
  3. Select the Control tab.
  4. Select the checkbox for OpaServer1.
  5. Click on Shutdown and then Force Shutdown Now.
  6. Refresh the screen by clicking on the auto refresh icon.
  7. Once the status of OpaServer1 changes to SHUTDOWN, click on the auto refresh icon again to turn it off.
  8. Select the checkbox for OpaServer1 and click Start.
  9. Turn auto refresh on again to verify that the server status changes to RUNNING.

Once the OPA server is restarted, you can verify your customizations.