Asynchronous - Get status for an asynchronous CVRS upload



The required in-path job-id parameter is a UUID returned by the "Asynchronous - Create records using CVRS" API. This API provides status information for the asynchronous upload with the specified job-id. The returned status includes information about upload validation, processing, and storage.


Path Parameters
  • The job ID (UUID) of an asynchronous CVRS upload operation, which is returned in the response of the initial call to ""Asynchronous - Create records using CVRS API (POST /v0/async/cvrs/jobs)".
Header Parameters
  • Optional. Contains the address of the request for use in logging, analytics, and similar.

There's no request body for this operation.

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Supported Media Types

Default Response

The default response is similar to the response of the synchronous upload calls, except that the content is dynamic and contains an additional status property. Statuses include QUEUED (successfully received), DE-QUEUED (moved to processing), VALIDATING (validation processing phase), PROCESSING (data processing; the longest phase), COMPLETED.
Body ()
Root Schema : UploadStatusResponseAsync
Type: object
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  • The unique identifier (UUID) of the transaction. This is the job-id returned from the call to ""Asynchronous - Create records asynchronously using CVRS (POST /v0/async/cvrs/jobs)".
    Contains the status of the asynchronous upload call. Statuses include QUEUED (successfully received), DE-QUEUED (moved to processing), VALIDATING (validation processing phase), PROCESSING (data processing; the longest phase), COMPLETED. As the upload continues, subsequent calls to this API return more data as it becomes available. When the upload is complete, the next call provides the storage results.
  • storageResult
    Additional Properties Allowed: UploadStorageResult
    The UploadStorageResult object contains the processing response from the database on the results of the transaction.
  • The number of immunization records contained in the transaction.
  • validationErrors
    The list of immunization records containing formatting or other errors that make the record invalid.
  • The number of validation errors in the transaction.
Nested Schema : storageResult
Type: object
Additional Properties Allowed
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The UploadStorageResult object contains the processing response from the database on the results of the transaction.
Nested Schema : validationErrors
Type: array
The list of immunization records containing formatting or other errors that make the record invalid.
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  • Contains information identifying the invalid record and the validation error message.
Nested Schema : UploadStorageResult
Type: object
The UploadStorageResult object contains the processing response on the results of the transaction.
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Nested Schema : processingErrors
Type: array
The list of immunization records containing database processing errors.
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