3 Next steps

After loading participant data into the system, participants get the invitations to participate. You can then start collecting data on participant engagement, analyzing participant data, and add additional participants.

Get information about participant engagement

To view metrics about participants' activity and statuses or see the symptoms that patients report, open the Dashboard tab. For details about the information that you can get from the dashboards, see Descriptions of dashboard charts.

Add additional users

You might want to add additional users who work for the organization or who work for a single entity.

The product offers organization-level roles for people who work at your call center, people who work at the test vendor, and people who help improve participant engagement. For details about adding these users, see Add a user at your organization.

Additionally, the product offers entity-level roles for people who work at or are responsible for the participants in an entity. Assigning these roles is optional. If your organization wants to share some of the administrative tasks with employees at each entity, you can add those users now. For details, see Add a user at an entity in the Oracle COVID-19 Patient Monitoring System User Guide.

Learn about other tasks that you can perform

See Learn more the Oracle COVID-19 Patient Monitoring System User Guide.