Required placeholder text for email templates

Some placeholder text, which is replaced with a value when an email is sent, is required in custom email templates.

Placeholder text saves you time and lets you personalize your messages. For instance, rather than typing the phone number for the organization's help desk and risking a typo, you type a variable, and the Oracle COVID-19 Patient Monitoring System uses the phone number that is defined in the system.

The following table describes all the placeholder text.

Placeholder text Description Required?


Name of the participant's entity.



First name of a participant's caregiver.



Full name of a participant's caregiver.



Text for the HIPAA notice.

Only in the Account Created email templates


Your organization's logo.



Name of the organization.



Participant's first name.



Participant's full name.



Organization or entity's preferred contact method for participants who need support. The options are email, phone, and both.

You can set different values for the entities within an organization, and the entity setting overrides the organization setting. For example, consider an organization that has a contact method of phone. Within the organization, Entity A has a contact method of email. Participants in Entity A see the support email address, while participants in Entity B see the support phone number.

Reach out to your Oracle Customer Success manager if you have questions about your preferred contact methods or if you need to update them.




Organization or entity's support email address and support phone number.

You can set different values for the entities within an organization, and the entity setting overrides the organization setting. For example, if Entity A has a different support phone number from its organization, participants in Entity A see the support phone number for Entity A, not the organization.

Yes. You must include at least one of these placeholder values in every email template. If a participant encounters an issue while completing their daily updates, they'll use this support information to get help.