Add InForm remote locations

Database links are used to load data and metadata from InForm to DMW.

When defined here, they are available for use in an InForm clinical data model. Alternatively, study configurators can create and edit them in the clinical data model.

  1. Click Shows a computer monitor Navigation from the navigation bar and then click Administration.
  2. Make sure the Data Sources tab is selected, then click the InForm Remote Locations subtab.
  3. Click the Icon is a plus sign.Add icon or Icon shows a pencil.Modify icon.
  4. Enter:
    • Name: A name for the InForm database. It cannot contain spaces, slashes, or special characters other than underscore (_). This is displayed for study configurators.


      Include the study name and lifecycle stage in the name to make it easy for the study configurator to select.

    • ConnectString: The text of the Using clause of the Create Database Link SQL statement. This is normally the same as the Description Clause of a TNSNAMES definition—for example:



      It cannot contain spaces.

    • Username: The name of the DMW read-only access account in the InForm database for this remote location; see Create required Oracle accounts for details. The system will use this account to connect.

    • Password: Enter the password of the account. The system changes and encrypts the password after creating the database link.

      In the unlikely event that you need to change the password, your InForm database administrator must change the password for the Oracle DMW read-only access account. You can then select Enable Password Entry? in the Edit Remote Location window and enter the new password. The system then recreates the database link and changes and encrypts the password.


      If you delete the remote location and create a new one with the same username, you must change the password in the InForm database first and then enter it here.

  5. Click Test Connection to make sure it is set up correctly.
  6. Click OK.