Create tags for discrepancies

A tag is a label that a user can apply to discrepancies by using an action. A discrepancy can have only one tag at a time. Tag uses include:

  • Users can filter discrepancies by state/tag combination.

  • You can use tags to create substates to direct communication among teams while the discrepancy remains in the same state. For example, two discrepancies might have the state Open but different tags such as DM Review and Med Review.

  1. Click Shows a computer monitor Navigation from the navigation bar and then click Administration.
  2. Click the Tags tab.
  3. Click the Add icon.
  4. Enter values in the following fields:
    • Tag Name: This text is displayed in the Discrepancies page. Spaces and special characters are allowed.

    • Description: (Optional)

    • Enabled?: Check to allow the tag to be used.


    System Tag indicates whether a tag was created by the system or by a user. You cannot modify system tags, but you can disable them.

  5. Click OK. The system generates an ID.