Define TMS Sets

Specify which information to derive by creating one or more TMS Sets for each dictionary. The study configurator then associates TMS domains and their terminologies to a study and maps TMS Set columns to target data model columns.

The study configurator does not need to map all the columns in the TMS Set. You can either:

  • Define a single TMS Set for each dictionary in TMS with the maximum number of columns that might ever be required, and let the study configurator select and map the columns needed in each study.

  • Define multiple TMS Sets for each dictionary, each with exactly the columns required in a particular study. The study configurator can then map all TMS Set columns to target table columns in that study.

  1. Click Shows a computer monitor Navigation from the navigation bar and then click Administration.
  2. Click the TMS tab.
  3. Click the Icon is a plus sign.Add icon in the TMS Sets pane.
  4. Enter a Name and Description for the TMS Set. Both are displayed on the Study Configuration page.
  5. Select a Terminology to code against. All terminologies (dictionaries) defined in the local TMS instance are listed.
  6. Click OK. The system adds a column for the dictionary coding level to the TMS Set columns.