Partitioned tables

The tables that use partitioning do not store clinical patient data, but they do store data that is likely to be created in proportion to the volume of clinical data, especially the discrepancies table.

The system adds a column for the partition ID in all affected tables. The internal SYS_CONTEXT tracks the partition ID as well as the current study and lifecycle area. All internal queries to affected tables must include the partition ID and call an internal API to get the ID from the SYS_CONTEXT to run most efficiently.

The tables are:

  • DME_CTXT_SKEYS_MAP: This table is used to trace the lineage between source and target tables used in transformations. It contains data that maps between specific source and target records. Each record in the target table of a transformation has at least one corresponding record in the DME_CTXT_SKEYS_MAP table, and for some transformations there are multiple records. For example, in a direct map there is one record per target table record; in a join of three tables, there are three record per target table record.

  • DME_OPOBJ_CONTEXT_MAP: This table is used to highlight discrepancies on the Listings display. The table contains an entry for each primary discrepancy, in the model where it was created, and all of its secondary discrepancies on the same data item in upstream and downstream models. This table is also used to obtain the primary source data item for a discrepancy.

  • DME_DISCREPANCIES: This table stores discrepancy-related information such as the table, column, model, study, and lifecycle of the record on which each discrepancy is created. This table also records discrepancy state, comments, and discrepancy ID.

  • DME_FLAG_DATA: This table stores flag assignments to records that that users add and modify in the Listings pages.

  • DME_DISC_ACTION_HISTORY: This table stores the history of actions performed on specific discrepancies.

  • DME_DISC_CSV_FILES: This stable stores sets of discrepancies exported as CSV files.