Register root folders for File Watcher archive folders

To archive data files instead of deleting them after loading their data into Oracle DMW, you must create archive folders and register them using this set of profiles.

There are nine profiles, corresponding to the nine profiles that register root folders for watched folders. You must choose the same setup—three or six root folders—for archive folders that you did for watched folders. The system creates a study-specific folder in each root folder using the name you specify; see Create study File Watchers.

When the system moves a file to an archive folder, it appends the current timestamp to the file name to ensure uniqueness.

  1. Log in. See Set profiles to determine system behavior.
  2. In the Profile field, enter Oracle DMW:FWR_ARCHIVE%
  3. Click Find.
  4. In the Site column, enter the full path to the subfolder for the profile's file type/lifecycle combination. Oracle recommends using a naming convention so that it is easy to tell which folder should hold which files.

    If you want to use six file type-specific root folders, enter values for these profiles:

    • DME:FWR_ARCHIVE_TEXT_DEV for text files in the Development lifecycle.
    • DME:FWR_ARCHIVE_TEXT_QC for text files in the Quality Control lifecycle.
    • DME:FWR_ARCHIVE_TEXT_PROD for text files in the Production lifecycle.
    • DME:FWR_ARCHIVE_SAS_DEV for SAS files in the Development lifecycle.
    • DME:FWR_ARCHIVE_SAS_QC for SAS files in the Quality Control lifecycle.
    • DME:FWR_ARCHIVE_SAS_PROD for SAS files in the Production lifecycle.

    If you want to use three folders for both file types, enter values for these profiles:

    • Oracle DMW:FWR_ARCHIVE_ALL_DEV for all files in the Development lifecycle.
    • Oracle DMW:FWR_ARCHIVE_ALL_QC for all files in the Quality Control lifecycle.
    • Oracle DMW:FWR_ARCHIVE_ALL_PROD for all files in the Production lifecycle.

    In addition, you must set the following profile values:

    • Oracle DMW:FWR_ARCHIVE_ENABLE Set to Y to enable archiving. The default value is N.
    • Oracle DMW:FWR_ARCHIVE_SCHEDULE_DAYS Enter the number of days to elapse between loading the file and moving it to the archive folder. The default value is 7.


      Be sure to set the file deletion time period for individual study File Watchers to a greater number of days.
  5. In the File menu, select Save and Proceed.