Run the Driver Script

The driver prompts for all required input parameter values and calls the other scripts as required.

  1. Log into SQL*Plus with an account with DBA privileges.

  2. Go to the directory that contains the downloaded scripts.

  3. Execute DMWInFormInstall.sql. The script prompts for:

    • A name to give the log file.
    • TNS name or connect string for the InForm database. If you enter the connect string, do not enter any spaces.
    • system or other DBA username and password.
    • Name of the Oracle DMW Admin account to be used or created for the purpose of giving privileges to the Oracle DMW read-only access account. The system creates the account if it does not already exist.
    • Name of the Oracle DMW read-only access account to be used or created. The system creates the account if it does not already exist.


      Do not use spaces or special characters other than underscore (_) in the username or password.
    • Passwords for both accounts. If the accounts are new, the script prompts you to confirm each password. If the accounts already exist, you must enter a password, but the system does not change the existing password. It proceeds to create or update the packages owned by the schema.
    • If the read-only access account is new, the script also prompts for a tablespace name. It then creates a tablespace on the InForm database to be used for the integration with Oracle DMW and creates or updates all Oracle DMW objects in this tablespace.