Select a distributed processing (DP) server for the study File Watcher


These tasks are documented in the Oracle Health Sciences Data Management Workbench Installation Guide:

  • Set up the Oracle LSH Distributed Processing (DP) Server and, as part of it, the File Watcher service. The File Watcher service detects files to be loaded.

  • Define at least one DP Service Location and SAS and Text for SQL*Loader DP Server services in the Oracle LSH user interface. These services load data from files into the Oracle DMW database. See the Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub System Administrator's Guide.

  • Security for the folders.

  • Compatible time zone configuration on each computer. See the Oracle Health Sciences Data Management Workbench Installation Guide.

  1. Click Shows a computer monitor Navigation from the navigation bar and then click Administration.
  2. Click the File Watcher tab.
  3. Select a Study File Watcher and click the Icon shows a gear and folders. DP Servers for File Watchers icon.
  4. Select one DP Server for each type of data file to be loaded in the study.
  5. Click OK.