Set lookup values for Reasons for Change and more

  1. Open your Oracle LSH URL.
  2. Log on with the system administrator account. An E-Business Suite screen opens.
  3. From the Navigator drop-down, select LSH Setup Admin, then Setups, then Lookups.
  4. Press the F11 key. The window enters Query mode.
  5. In the Type field, enter the name of the lookup you want to see:
    • DME_DSC_ACTION_REASON to create standard Reasons for Change.

    • DME_PART% to set the number of small, medium, and large studies in a database partition.

  6. Press Ctrl+F11 to enter the query.
  7. Enter values.


    The Meaning text appears in the UI exactly as entered.

    Leave the From and To columns blank to apply the values immediately and with no end date.