Specify the number of similarly sized studies per partition

The maximum number of small, medium, and large studies using a single partition is determined by lookups called DME_PARTITION_DEVQC and the DME_PARTITION_PROD. The default settings for both are:

  • Small studies: 20

  • Medium studies: 5

  • Large studies: 1

You can change these values; see Number of studies per partition for details.

For example, if you have a relatively small amount of data in your Development and Quality Control lifecycle areas and a huge amount of data in Production, you might change to settings like:

  • For the Development/QC partition:

    • Small studies: 20

    • Medium studies: 15

    • Large studies: 11

  • For the Production partition:

    • Small studies: 10

    • Medium studies: 4

    • Large studies: 1

There is a limit to the number of partitions that can be created for a database table: 1024k-1. Each partition can hold any number of records for each study; that is, any number of discrepancies or flags for given study.