Set up data blinding in tables

  1. Click the Study Configuration icon Shows gear with pencil iconfrom the navigation bar. Then click the Clinical Data Models tab.

  2. Select the model and click Check Out.

  3. Select the table.

  4. Set blinding attributes:

    • Blinded: Select if the table may ever contain any sensitive data that should be hidden.

    • Blinding Type (available only if Blinded is selected): Select one:

      • Table: Select to hide all data in the table, then click OK.

      • Column: Select to mask all values in one or more columns, or in cells where data in the row meets conditions you specify, then click OK.

        Then select one column, click the Icon shows a pencil.Modify icon and specify the masking value.


        Enclose the value in single quotes.

        The default masking values are xxxxx for character data, 99999 for numeric data, and 15-AUG-3501 for dates.

        To blind data only in cells that meet certain conditions, specify the conditions; see Specify masking attributes for a column.

      • Row: Select to hide certain rows in their entirety.

        Blinding Criteria: Click the Icon shows letters and pencil.Modify Blinding Criteria icon to specify which rows should be hidden. See Use the Expression Builder for details.

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