Verify that a data file loaded

  1. Go to the Icon is a house. Home page, Data Loads tab to see successful data loads.

  2. If a data load you are expecting is not there:

    1. Click the Study Configuration icon Shows gear with pencil iconfrom the navigation bar.

    2. Select the clinical data model.

    3. Select the Detected Files tab. It lists all the uploaded data files that File Watcher has detected for a clinical data model.

  3. If a file failed to load, you can select it and:

    • Click the Icon is an X.Delete File icon to start over with a new or renamed file. The most likely problem is that the file name does not match the File Specification for the model. See Specify a file name convention for each lifecycle stage.

    • Click the Icon is a folder with an up arrow.Load Data icon to try again with the same file, for example after fixing the data load parameters.

For each detected file the system displays:

  • File Name and File Specification Name for comparison.

  • Status The possible statuses are:

    • DETECTED The file is in the watched folder but has not been submitted. The scheduled submission time is in the Data Load Date column.

    • SUBMITTED The file has been submitted.


      This status does not change when the load completes. Select the Data Loads tab on the Home page to see if the load was successful.

    • MISSING The file was deleted before or after it was submitted, before the scheduled deletion date.

    • DELETED The file was deleted as scheduled.

    • ARCHIVED The file was archived as scheduled.

  • File Modified The modification date of the file on the file system.

  • Data Load Date The scheduled data load date before the data has been loaded, with an icon to indicate "scheduled," and the actual data load date afterward.

  • Detection Date The date and time the file was detected, using the date and time in the DMW database.

  • Archive Date The scheduled archive date before the file is archived and the actual archive date afterward. (Not supported in this release.)

  • Error Information about a problem, if any.

  • Deletion Date The scheduled deletion date before the file is deleted and the actual deletion date afterward.

  • Date Missing If a file is overwritten or removed from the file system before it is archived or deleted, then the Date Missing is stored here.