Copy a validation check batch

You can copy a validation check batch from another study or from a different clinical data model in the same study. Disabled validation checks, if any, are included in the copy. No source tables are copied.


Copy validation check batches after completing the transformation that writes to the model, so that the system can handle them appropriately.

  1. In the Study Configuration page, navigate to Validation Checks, and select the clinical data model.
  2. Click Copy Batches in the Actions drop-down list.
  3. Select the project (or other study category), then the study, then the model.
  4. Select one or more batches.
  5. Click OK.

    The system searches the current model for the tables and columns that the validation checks read from, first by Oracle name and then by alias.

    • If any of the tables or columns do not exist, the Copy operation fails.

    • If any of the tables are marked Not Used in the transformation that writes to the model, the system copies the validation checks as disabled. If the tables or columns are later marked Used, you can manually enable the validation checks.

    • If any of columns are marked Not Used when you copy a validation check that does not use a custom program to a model, Oracle DMW copies the system validation check as disabled.
    • If any of the discrepant or secondary columns are marked Not Used when you copy a custom validation check to a model, Oracle DMW copies the custom validation check as disabled.
    • If the tables and columns exist and are used, the system copies the validation checks and links them to the appropriate tables and columns.